Tue. May 7th, 2024
Composite Bonding

As it is said, “A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.” Unfortunately, not everyone is born with perfectly-straight teeth. Are you considering revamping your smile to feel more confident? Well, here is the good news! You can easily do so with a few dental appointments. You would be happy to know that there is! And the answer is Composite Bonding teeth.

This article aims to inform you about what is composite bonding, its cost, and the process. 

What is Composite Bonding?

Cosmetic bonding is a modern way to build up the lost tooth structure or repair teeth for cosmetic reasons. It deploys a durable plastic material, resin, to improve millions of smiles and is an excellent alternative to veneers. While the latter requires shaving down tooth enamel, composite bonding Aberdeen does not use any drill or needle to shape your teeth into a captivating smile. 

In essence, teeth composite bonding is a kinder and cheaper approach to possessing the ever-wanted smile you wished. Moreover, it is particularly incredible because the treatment is entirely reversible. Ask your dentist to remove the composite filling if you feel unsatisfied or unhappy.

Who should get the Composite Bonding?

Teeth composite bonding can assist in repairing an array of common dental complaints. You can consider opting for this treatment if you have- 

  • Short teeth
  • Irregularly shaped or chipped teeth
  • Discoloration and decay
  • Protection of exposed roots due to receding gum lines
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Fractured or cracked teeth

If you have recently finished your Invisalign treatment to straighten your teeth, it becomes vital to maintain a rigorous and effective routine to prevent normal wear and tear. Teeth composite bonding comes in handy in such cases, as it aids you to retain the teeth in their new position once your braces are off. 

How is Composite Bonding treatment done?

Unlike many orthodontic treatments, you can opt for an in-house treatment for composite bonding teeth

  • Preparation

The composite bonding dentist will first select a colour similar to your teeth, then create the bonding resin once they have the perfect match. Resin is a substance like putty that can be formed in any shape. If you are getting surface repairs, there will be no anaesthetic involved in the procedure. However, the dentist may use a local anaesthetic if the affected area is closer to a nerve to make the treatment painless. 

  • Procedure

The dentist will start the treatment by roughening your tooth’s surface. They will apply a fluid for conditioning to help the resin stick to your teeth properly. Then, the resin will be put into your teeth and moulded into the correct shape. The composite bonding dentist shines a light with UVA waves to cure and harden the mould rapidly. At last, they will trim and smooth the resin until it looks the same as your teeth and feels normal in your mouth.  

What is the cost of Dental Bonding in Aberdeen?

Composite bonding in Aberdeen is no longer as costly as before, thanks to advanced dental technology. It typically costs £200-£400 per tooth. 

You can affirm the composite bonding cost once your dentist performs a clinical assessment. It can vary depending on the scale of the work you require. Repairing chips or making minor adjustments to teeth is accessible at only £160.

What are the benefits of Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding teeth might be the ideal solution, given its various perks:

  • It eliminates the need for extensive and invasive treatment. The designed resin matches your natural colour and gifts you an ever-ready camera-worthy smile. 
  • Bonding creates a shield for your teeth, acting as a barrier and protecting them from bacteria. 
  • The composite bonding treatment takes only 30-60 minutes per tooth and can help you get your smile back in a day.
  • Composite bonding costs are pocket-friendly compared to the other dental treatments for the same result.  

Dental bonding vs veneers: What’s the difference?

Porcelain veneers are ceramic covers that are created to fit over the fronts of your teeth. Your dentist often needs to remove some enamel from your natural teeth in order to put them. Porcelain veneers cannot be removed after installation. Every 10 to 20 years, they will need to be replaced.

On the other side, dental bonding could not require a large amount of enamel removal. Thus, bonding is entirely reversible. Every three to ten years, touchups will probably be necessary.

Dentists occasionally use the term “composite veneers.” This is when your dentist completely covers the surface of your tooth with composite resin.


Dental bonding treatment does not require any tooth removal and lasts up to a decade. However, it is necessary to remember that the resin is less strong than your natural teeth. So steer away from activities that are a red flag for your teeth as they can wear down or chip off the moulded resin. But there is nothing a little care cannot prevent! Follow the usual oral norms and regularly visit your dentist, and you will be good to go. 

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